Yuck that’s not romantic…it ‘s gross! #MFRWauthor #ickywords

It’s week 9 of the Marketing for Romance Writers weekly blog challenge. This week’s theme is Words that make me go ick.  I am an avid reader and average at least 4 books a week. I read a lot of M/M romance and this is where I find most of my squicky words. The one highest on my list is calling a person’s hole a rosebud. Really? Rosebud? Comparing a butt to a pretty flower that smells sweet? *gags* It gets worse if they have it quivering or winking Yeah winking. If a hole winks at me when things should be all sexy, I’m getting up and running! Another one I don’t like in reading romance is describing the female’s body parts with Sex. Her sex this or that. Come on there is no part called a sex. The word leaves me cold. The same for the word heat. Heat is not a body part. Moist is another one. Moist is better left in making a good cake or maybe even chicken or pork chops. Let’s keep it out of the bedroom. I could go on and on with dirty words (especially when it comes to M/M erotic romance) but I won’t. These are the ones in reading romance that freak me the most. I am anxious to see what the other others say on this topic, especially those that do write the spicy stuff.

Now on to other icky words. Slug. Slime. To me, they are both the same and say one and I nearly throw up. Yeah, show me a spider I will probably get a container to catch it and put it out or leave it alone depending on what it is. Yet let a slug get in my path and I run screaming to the bathroom to toss my cookies. One gets in the house I am salting every baseboard in the house. A salt circle to keep those demons out! And I still probably won’t sleep that night! I hate those toys that are rubbery and you throw and they stick to the wall. The texture is just gross. The word slime is enough to make me queasy.

At least this post was good diet control. I was getting hungry but suddenly lost my appetite.

What words make you go ick?

Come see what the other authors find yucky!
















It’s never too late to join us. This is such a fun challenge. I have made new friends and learned a lot.  If you want to join go here to sign up, then follow the directions each Tuesday. Voila! It’s that easy!

2 responses to “Yuck that’s not romantic…it ‘s gross! #MFRWauthor #ickywords”

  1. You know that a slug sticks to the wall? That mental image is hilarious! I agree with your other icky words. The problem with “heat” and “moist”, etc is that there are only so many adverbs when you’re writing the spicy stuff. I need a list so I don’t repeat myself (which also throws me out of a story when I’m reading).

    • Ugg!! you nearly made me puke telling me they stick to the wall. (grabs salt cans) I need an Icky word list too. Though I found as much as I hate some words it’s necessary to use them. As you say there are only so many words to use. Heat I can live with more than their sex LOL. I agree on the repetitiveness as well. Good point I need to make sure don’t do that either.

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