Sensible or Fun? #ifIwonthelottery #MFRWautor #romance
Welcome to Week 12 of the MFRW 52-week challenge. This week the the topic is what would you do “If you won the $10,000 lottery.” This is not as easy a question as it seems. Yes, it is a lot of money but then again it really isn’t. $10,000 is not enough to go out and…
Why mess with time? #daylightsavingstime #MFRWauthor
Join us for week 11 Marketing For Romance Writer’s 52-week blog challengeThe topic for Week 11 is Keep Daylight Savings Time? My answer is simply no. I see no reason for it, it is confusing, messes up our sleep cycles and why have it anyway? Who makes these rules to just mess with time and flip…
Diet? I always am on one. #summer #MFRWauthor #diets
Welcome to Week 9 of the MFRW 52-week challenge. This week’s topic is “Diet before Summer?” Here it has been raining almost all winter but it has been cold. I am a winter girl so I just do not get excited for the summer. I can’t do too hot. I do however go to the recreation center…
Color Me Naive #outsidethecomfortzone #MFRWAuthor #ageplay #littles
Welcome to Week 8 of the MFRW 52-week blog challenge. This week’s topic is “Reading Outside Your Comfort Zone – what is it and why?” This came at a perfect time as I just listened to a book that fits this perfectly. I accepted it for review from the narrator and authors. I am familiar with…
Some things are Best Kept to Yourself #MFRWauthor #politics #iwillstayoutofit
Welcome back to the 52-week-MFRWbloghop Challenge. This is week 5 and the topic is Can you talk politics with family and friends? This is a simple topic for me. Can I? Yes. My family is just my brother and Dad now, and my children. None of us are very politically minded. We all vote and…