A Comfy Office Makes Happy Writing #WritingMustHaves #desk #monitor @Carolyn Clemmons
Louis L’Amour once stated he could write sitting in a folding chair in the center of Hollywood and Vine while balancing a portable typewriter on his lap. I love his books, have read most of them, and admire his ability. However, I prefer a few more creature comforts to write my stories. I’m not sure…
Now, Where did I Hide That Time?#writing #multitasking
A full time job. Four kids at home. A supportive husband. Writing and publishing since 2010. How do I find the time to write? I find that doing one thing AND doing everything while also delegating household tasks. That is how I am able to balance my day job with family life with my writing…
Writing About Love…and Food #recipes #LGBTQ #5starsfromme #giveaway
Today’s special guest is Rick R Reed talking about Love and food. Read to the end to check out our huge giveaway! Shakespeare said, “If music be the food of love, play on…” I agree with him, except I would paraphrase him “If food be the music of love, cook on…”People ask why I marry…
It’s All In The Waiting #giveaway #lifenow #makingitwork #awriterslife
I know April Showers brings May flowers is the proper statement but this month I and several author friends are going to shower you with fun tips to make the best of this Corona Virus Pandemic, crafts and or recipes plus there is a big giveaway at the end so read on and enter! We…