Tag: Teaser Tuesday

  • Take a peek Tuesday

     This week I am going to share another snippet from my current WIP. I am nearly done with this read through making notes and getting ready for fixing it to send to my beta. Remember it is very rough yet and still going through rewrites and edits.  I am skipping down to a heartfelt story…

  • Tease Tuesday~~ The Boys are Back.

    Hi, Y’all. As you see I’m having a hard time making up my mind on both my blog and writing schedules I think I have finally decided On BaseBall Bats and Cowboy hats I think This would be a good one to get released by summer. This week I am going to post another Teaser for…

  • Teaser Tuesday~~ I interupt this episode #novelsversusnovellas

    Hi y’all this week has been crazy. I’ve been under the weather, stressed, having family issues and for those that don’t know I suffer from several chronic ailments, all decided to have a party at once, resulting in me having a pity party of my own. I’ll try not to whine though LOL. Every January I…

  • Teaser Tuesday

    Hi Ya’ll! It’s teaser Tuesday time! I am still working on organizing and sorting to get ready for my goals for the year. I will post a little snippet from my NaNo story  Simon Plus Two. This is a MMM story so if hot man sex isn’t your thing you may not want to read further.…

  • Teaser Tuesday ~~Simon Plus two~~ A change is coming #MMMromance

    Teaser Tuesday ~~Simon Plus two~~ A change is coming #MMMromance

    Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday. NaNoWriMo is finally over, and I can breathe.  I completed my 50k, but the story needs lots of work. The end got a little rushed, and I have some fluff to remove. But that’s what rewrites are for.  I have introduced Simon,  Topher,  and Max. If you missed it click on…