Mischief Night @KryssieFortune #mishiefnight #tricks #giveaway #vampires #werewolves
Do you Like sexy vampires or hot weres? What about gorgeous ghosts, witches, warlocks, mages or dragons? This month we are going to party all month long with some of your favorite authors or new to you ones. We will have tricks and treats galore so come join us every day in October! Today’s guest…
Cat’s Meow~~Reviews that Purr~~An Eerie Garden Party
Hi’Y’all! Welcome back to Cat’s Meow ~~Reviews that Purr. Today we are wrapping up our Spring theme with one of my very favorite authors. V.L.Locey writes hockey romances in both M/F and M/M genres but also has some fun Paranormal M/M romances. I love her Lake Eerie shifters series. It’s fun with a touch of…