The World’s an Open Book #dreamtravel #MFRWauthor #MFRWbloghop
Welcome to week thirty-one of the MFRW 52wee Blog ChallengeThis week’s topic is: Where would you like to travel outside your own country? I am a homebody and not much on travelling but I do dream of it. There are so many places I would love to go see and things to do. I’m going…
Too Many Books…Not Enough Time #MFRWauthor #bloghop #readingromance
Welcome to Week 28 of the MFRW 52-week Blog Challenge. This week’s topic is Ever read a book more than once? Which one and why This is actually a harder topic for me than it seems. I am an avid reader and read every night. I listen to audio books during the day so its…
The Gossip Game #MFRWauthor #bloghop #giveaway
Welcome back to the 52 week MFRWbloghop challenge. It is week 22 The topic is: “How Do You Get Your News? Do you remember when you were in school or church and you all lined up the teacher or leader would whisper in player one’s ear then down the line it goes? the last person…
Do blondes Really Have More Fun? #MFRWauthor #doescolormatter #Giveaway
Join us for the weekly MFRW 52-week blog challenge. Each week several romance authors join together to discuss a specific topic. Week 19’s topic: Your characters: do blondes really have more fun? I thought this was a fun question. We have always heard this statement that Blondes have more fun (or my generation has). But what…
Country all the Way #MFRWauthor #countryorcity #giveaway
Welcome to this week’s Marketing For Romance Authors 52-week blog challenge this is week 18 and the topic is City living or country? I almost missed this week as I have been in bed most of the week (no don’t worry it is not Covid). When I saw the topic I just had to get…