In Like A Lion @kayelleallen #SciFi #SpaceOpera #Romance
In like a lion, they say about March. Out like a lamb. March is the transition month between winter and spring. This month, we celebrate Music in Our Schools, Irish American Heritage (that’s me!), The American Red Cross, National Nutrition, Saint Patrick’s Day, and even Women’s History. For me, this year it’s bittersweet. I joined…
What’s for Brinner? #breakfastfordinner #easymeals #frugal
I am sure you have heard of Brunch. Though we may not do the fancy breakfast at lunchtime with the cocktails and all, I am sure on the weekends we have all indulged in brunch in some form or other. But have you tried Brinner? Breakfast for dinner is a favorite at my house. Our…
A Fear of The Past #memories #urbanfantasy #returninghome #releaseday
Today our special guest is Misty Harvey with her new release Poisonous Revenge. Happy Release day Misty! Hello, Readers! First off, I’d like to thank Cathy Brockman for allowing me to guest spot on her website. So, we can all get to know one another. She asked me to speak a bit about some of…