Following the Rules #goals #newyear #writing
Wow, it is already mid-month. Time is sliding right away. I haven’t even made my goals much less get started. I do have some author friends that have. This week Michal Scott is here to share their goals with you. Hello Michal: Hi Cathy. Thanks for inviting me to share my goals and new book…
Goals, Memoirs, and sticking to it. #NewYear #settinggoals #memoirs
January is the time most of us set new goals or make resolutions. I asked some of my author friends what their goals are for the upcoming year. Meet Herbert Grosshans. Hi, Herbert what are your goals for 2020? Herbert: Here we are in the year 2020. Writing those numbers seems almost surreal. What happened…
Do You Have Hope? #newyear #goals
Last year was a bad year for me, and I noticed it was for lots of my friends. I can honestly say I am glad to see 2019 go. To start off the new year I invited some guests to share with us their opinions on resolutions and goals for 2020. Our first guest is…
A new Year, New goals
Wow, I can’t believe it’s already the 4th day of the New Year. It’s also my Birthday. This year I decided to bake myself a cake. The jury is still out on whether it will be Carrot, Texas sheet cake or Boston cream cake. All my favorites LOL I am leaning on the Boston Cream cake also known as a…