Tag: fun

  • Sensible or Fun? #ifIwonthelottery #MFRWautor #romance

    Welcome to Week 12 of the MFRW 52-week challenge. This week the the topic is what would you do “If you won the $10,000 lottery.” This is not as easy a question as it seems. Yes, it is a lot of money but then again it really isn’t. $10,000 is not enough to go out and…

  • Happy Birthday Grandies #family #celebrations #cutepics

    This week Menu Planning Monday is pre-empted by birthday fun. I have still been sick and I haven’t been cooking a lot of home-cooked meals. Hubby has been helping out some with that. (Thank you eggs, and canned soups, and chili). Last Monday was Grandie Boy’s 14th birthday. I cannot believe he is already that…