June Showers Bring July Babys #babyshowers #crafting #cooking #budgetentertaining
Wow, time sure flies. This year is half over and in another month I will be a great grandma. Todays menu Monday I’m sharing pictures of the shower and tips for throwing a nice one on a budget. Our theme is baby elephants and we have been scouring Pinterest for months. We found a cute…
I don’t hoard! I just collect a lot. #MFRWauthor #trashtotreasure #organizedchaos
Join us for MFRW 52-week Blog Challenge Week 10: The differences between Collecting and Hoarding. This topic is right up my alley. I collect everything. I am a creative mind and I don’t see trash I see treasure. My husband is the same way so we have two of us hoarding–oops–collecting here. It is a good…
Thats’s Not Trash!~Thats Crafts! #MFRWauthor #hobbies #crafts
Welcome to week 6 of the 52-week MFRW blog challenge. Each week we have a topic. This week’s prompt is…My hobby is … When I’m not writing. I nearly shouted in joy when I saw this topic! Hobbies? Boy, do I have hobbies!* Looks int the nearly bursting craft room.* I am not a hoarder..…