Writerly Wednesday~Decisions Decisions #amwriting #genres #newwip
Five years ago I decided writing would be fun. Just pick up a pen and start writing that story brewing in my head. That is a good thought. It is also a good start. In reality, it isn’t that easy at all. Having an idea for a story is a good beginning, but who are…
Serenity Sunday~Holiday Lights #happyholidays
I decided to celebrate the holiday season that my Serenity Sundays will be holiday related. I started decorating yesterday. I am simplifying so instead of hanging lights My Hubby got me one of those light shows. It’s really beautiful. If you missed it on my Facebook, here is the snowman wreath I made.And with…
Writing Romance A-Z~~The letter G
WRITING ROMANCE A_Z LETTER G Hi Yall welcome to Writing Romance A-Z. Today is the letter G. This one is easy for me. One of my favorite words is gorgeous. It is perfect for romance. We all love gorgeous men and women. I also love the word gregarious. It means enjoying the company of others.…