Tag: 5 star review

  • Luxury Model Wife by Adele downs #romance #newrelease #giveaway

    BOOK INFORMATION TITLE – Luxury Model Wife AUTHOR – Adele Downs GENRE – Contemporary Romance PUBLICATION DATE – September 20, 2016 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 74,000 PUBLISHER – Boroughs Publishing Group BOOK SYNOPSIS Antiques expert Steve Carlson must face the mistakes of his past to discover a treasure he never imagined: the heart of a…

  • Naughty Cupid by Deanna Wadsworth #mustread #sofunny #giveaway

    Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Deanna Wadsworth author of NAUGHTY CUPID Hi, Deanna, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about your favorite rainy day activity. Thank you for hosing me on my NAUGHTY CUPID blog tour. It’s been fun visiting all of these wonderful websites and talking to…

  • Cat’s Meow Reviews that Purrr~My LIfe in Reverse by Casey Harvell

    Welcome to Cat’s Meow~~Reviews that purr Today I have a sweet friend Casey Harvell with her new release MY Life in Reverse. This isn’t a romance t si more a tale of a survivor of emotional abuse. Title: My Life In Reverse Author: Casey Harvell Publisher: Self-Published Pages: 173 Heat: 0 Meows: 5 Warning: Over…

  • An Infatuation

    AN INFATUATION JOE COSENTINO ISBN-13         978-1-63216-483-4 Pages   103 Cover Artist    Christy Caughie Genre: Novellas, Contemporary, Bittersweet Dreams       With his ten-year high school reunion approaching, Harold wonders whether Mario will be as muscular, sexy, and tantalizing as he remembers. As a teenager, it was love at first sight for Harold while tutoring football…