Writerly Wednesday~Watch out for the Roadblocks! #amwriting
courtesy of pixabay We all have them. Whether we are writers or not, life can always throw us roadblocks. Sometimes it’s family, sometimes health or creativity. Sometimes a combination. I have a habit of starting things and not finishing. Having chronic illness makes writing more of a challenge than it already is. I have seizures…
#WritingRomance A-Z ~~ Letter I
Hi, Y’all Welcome back to Writing Romance A-Z. Introduction is a perfect word. You have to introduce characters to each other. a character can be ignorant to the other’s needs. An idea can be ingenious Ill is another good word. An illness can bring a character to town or can be a good plot in…
Writing Romance A-Z ~~Today’s letter is E
Hi, Ya’ll This post was actually scheduled for Wednesday but for some reason it didn’t post. There was on reason listed… Just missed schedule so since i have been laid up this week with a severely twisted ankle and unable to cook I am posting today in place of Foodie Friday. Welcome back to Writing…
Writing Romance A-Z ~~The Letter A
Hi, Y’all welcome to my new feature Writing Romance A -Z. Last month you may have seen many blogs writing daily posts using the alphabet. I thought instead of daily post I would do one weekly. Since I write contemporary romance in multiple genres, I will be using romance as the topic. This week…