A Flashy and Frosty Christmas by Misty Harvey, Ellie Mack and more #charity #breastcancerfundraiser #Aflashyandfrostychristmas
This week we have a special surprise not one but a group of talented authors with their new anthology to raise money for Breast Cancer research. I asked why did you choose this particular movie for your story inspiration? Hello Misty! Hello, Readers! First, I’d like to thank Cat for the chance to spotlight on…
Have an Eerie Halloween with V.L. Locey #halloween #boxsets #newrelease #
Happy Halloween! Hi, Y’all! I have decided to do something different on Writerly Wednesday for the Holidays. Each week I will feature an author with a Holiday related book. This week I have V..L. Locey with her new box set Eerie Halloween. Hi V.L.! Before I get busy talking I’d like to thank Cat for…
Getting it together #amwriting #amorganizing #gettingfit #awriterslife
Over the past year, there has been a lot going on in my life. Lots of family issues, health, and just life.I gained a good 20 pounds and had some stomach issues, test after test and still no results. Good news is They didn’t find anything serious. bad news, I still have a lot…
Focus…Oh look SHINY #focus #schedules #distraction
In lieu of so much a writer has to do, it is so easy to get distracted. Not only do we have to write a story, research for it, rewrite, self-edit, edit, search for venues, get a cover, find editors, beta readers, reviewers we have to have a strong social media platform. That means…
Old into new~~#trashtotreasure #deletedscenes #decluttering
This week was a bust on writing and decluttering. Between my stomach and my asthma, I haven’t been able to do too much. These sinus headaches make it hard to focus or think On the good side, I did get back my Short story for another round. The comments weren’t all that bad…