Cat’s MeowReviews that Purr Changing on the Fly Charity Anthology
I’d like to thank Cathy for hosting us today as we celebrate the release of Changing on the Fly! This anthology is a special one for all the authors involved. We’re all LGBT allies and most of us pen M/M hockey romances. Being able to come together, write what we love, and be able…
An Eerie Halloween by V.L. Locey #review and #giveaway#1/2price sale
Author Name: V.L. Locey Book Name: An Erie Halloween Series: Lake Erie Shifters Book: One Release Date: October 20, 2013 Pages or Words: 65 pages Categories: M/M Romance, Paranormal Publisher: Torquere Press Templeton Reed has been hiding his inner polecat since he was a child. Keeping his animal secreted is hard for a shifter,…