#snippetsunday~~#Baseball players and Cranky #bestfriends
Hi, Y’all! It’s time for Snippet Sunday again. It’s February and what better time for a sweet contemporary romance? I took a different turn this week. I had a cute Idea to add to a scene in Baseball Bats and Cowboy hats. I went to drop it in and found some chapters in first person…
#snippetsunday~~let’s lighten up our reads~~sweet romance time!
Hi, Y’all! It’s time for Snippet Sunday again. Time to start the year off on a lighthearted, funny note. This is a story I began in fall of 2014 after a visit to my dads. I loved the delightful tourist town and decided to make my own. Sweet Gypsy Rose was born. Then I…
Week one of Nano is now over. I will say it was a long hard week for me. There were days I didn’t think I would make my count, but I managed, if some days barely. The goal of the challenge is 1667 words a day. My weekly total is 13,329. I am having fun,…