Category: Serenity Sunday

  • Serenity Sunday~Holiday Lights #happyholidays

        I decided to celebrate the holiday season that my Serenity Sundays will be holiday related. I started decorating yesterday. I am simplifying so instead of hanging lights My Hubby got me one of those light shows. It’s really beautiful. If you missed it on my Facebook, here is the snowman wreath I made.And with…

  • Serenity Sunday

    This past weekend we visited the Hubby’s Mom. She lives in Arkansas. It’s very different from where I live. There are lots of woods and hill.

  • Serenity Sunday~~Bench for my Mudroom #saveatree

    A couple of Years ago my hubby decided he wanted his own sawmill. Now remember we live in the city limits. So he bought one and began getting with the tree companies to get logs from them instead of them hauling them to the dump to be burned. when most of these were  the wrong…

  • Serenity Sunday~~It’s Home Coming!

    Grandie Girl’s first Parade.  Home-Coming day. She is excited.

  • Serenity Sunday

    This was taken in July when we went to Hannibal to dad’s. I am fascinated with the rock walls that line on the side of the road.   I would love to get out and get a closer look, but hubby says no, not on the interstate. I like to collect bits of rock. I am…