Category: romance

  • Cat’s Meow~~Reviews That Purr~~#Romancespecial~~Forever Love by Melissa Keir

    Hi Y’all!  We are rounding out this month of romance in the air specials with Melissa Keir and her book Forever Love. I asked Melissa what her five favorite  movies to watch on Valentines day. Here are her picks. The five best movies to watch on Valentine’s Day….There are so many movies to choose from.…

  • Cat’s Meow~~Winter Special~~Slippery Slopes by Tricia Pimental

    Hi, Yall. Welcome to Cat’s Meow Reviews that Purr.  I hope you enjoyed last weeks story about snow.  I sure did. This week I am bringing you another fabulous romance with more snow!  Our guest is Tricia Pimental with her romance Slippery Slopes, and she has brought us a few recipes to warm us up…

  • Ct’s Meow ~~Holiday special~~ A Home for the Holidays by Joe Cosentino

    I’ve been under the weather and just haven’t been able to come up with my Ro-Manic Mondays posts and do my NaNo. I received this review request in my email and thought why not. Then it hit me. Why not do a holiday special. I could use some awesome holiday reads and let you all know…

  • Till Death Do Us Part Conclusion

    Hi Yall and welcome back for the final installments of Till Death do Us Part Till Death Do Us Part Copyright © 2015 <Cathy Brockman> All rights reserved Edited By Ellie Mack Proofread by Vicki Locey Novelette: 17,121 words (63pages) Genre: Male/Female -Supernatural, Contemporary Heat rating: 2 Blurb: What happens when we die? I’m not sure…