Category: #Ro-manicmoday

  • Cat’s Meow Reviews that Purr~~ Valentines Special ~~Valentines Pets and Kisses Box set

    Hi Y’all Its time for a new review special. This month I am featuring Valentine books. Some will have sweet romances of Valentine stories other may have the cupid himself. I have rounded up a few great sounding books so join me for the fun and see if you find a book or several to…

  • Cat’s Meow Winter Special~~A Christmas Accident by Melissa Keir

    Cat’s Meow  Winter Special~~A Christmas Accident by Melissa Keir

    Hi, Y’all! I hope you are enjoying the winter special.  This is the last post about Snow and winter. Next month we are moving on to Love and Valentines.  ‘You heard the adage in like a lamb out like a Lion I hope this story does that for you. Its has a gut-wrenching twist. But…

  • Cat’s Meow ~~Winter Special~~Snowed In By Teodora Kostova

    Hi, Yall. Welcome to Cat’s Meow Reviews that Purr month of Snow special. I hope you enjoy the review and even find a book you want to read! Today’s guest is  Teodora Kostova. Title:  Snowed In Series: NA Author: Teodora Kostova Genre: Contemporary, Second Chances, Friends to Lovers Length:108 pages Publisher: Self-Published Nov 30 2015…

  • Here comes the Bride

    Hello everyone! Man is it hot! I  really hate the heat. My asthma makes it even harder on me to get out and do anything. But I have managed to get my rose garden replaced from the remodel and a lovely flower garden and veggie garden  in place with the help of my oldest Stepdaughter.…