In the office with ~~S.C. Wynne~~Painful Lessons~~ and a giveaway
Hi, Y’all! Today I am so excited to get to spend the day in the office with S.C. Wynne . Do ya want to tag along and meet S.C? Hi, S.C. Thank you so much for letting me tag along with you today. Do you have a regular day job(or night) or write full time?…
Cat’s Meow ~~Reviews that PURRR Game Misconduct by V.L.Locey (rafflecopter giveaway)
Hi Ya’ll today I am thrilled to have one of my favorite authors, the fabulous V.L. Locey stop by. She is going got talk about Location and share with us her new release, and one that I have been waiting for–Game Misconduct! Location, location, location! Many things go into a book aside from the…