Cat’s Meow~~#Reviews that Purr~~Spring Affair by B.G.Thomas~~#romanceinbloom
Hi, Y’all! Welcome back to Cat’s Meow Reviews that Purr. Our theme this month is romance in bloom. This week we have a fabulous M/M romance by the talented B.G. Thomas. Season’s of Love is one of my favorite series, and I was thrilled when B.G. agreed to stop by for a visit!. I asked…
Cat’s Meow~~ Reviews That Purr~~The Naked Prince and Other Tales by Joe Cosentino~~#adultfairy tales
Hi, Y’LLl! I read this book this week and decided to do a special post. It is a unique take on romance using old fairy tales, twisting them, growing them up and making them M/M. I love Joe Cosentino, and if you ever need a good pick me up, he has several books that are…