Category: organizing

  • Teaser Tuesday~~ I interupt this episode #novelsversusnovellas

    Hi y’all this week has been crazy. I’ve been under the weather, stressed, having family issues and for those that don’t know I suffer from several chronic ailments, all decided to have a party at once, resulting in me having a pity party of my own. I’ll try not to whine though LOL. Every January I…

  • Caging the Time-sucker

    Image courtesy of Pixaby I have this little creäture in y house. I know it’s here even though I can’t see it. Yes, I have an invisible Time-sucker on the loose. I make great plans but this little devil likes to add things or hide things making me hunt them. I have dedicated this month to…

  • A new Year, New goals

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s already the 4th day of the New Year. It’s also my Birthday.  This year I decided to bake myself a cake. The jury is still out on whether it will be Carrot, Texas sheet cake or Boston cream cake. All my favorites LOL I am leaning on the Boston Cream cake also known as a…