Category: NaNo

  • Teaser Tuesday~Simon Plus Two~Max #NaNoWriMo #MMMromance

    Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday. NaNoWriMo is finally over and I can breathe.  I completed my 50k but the story needs lots of work. The end got a little rushed and I have some fluff to remove. But that’s what rewrites are for.  Last week we met Simon. the week before we met Topher. If you…

  • Teaser Tuesday~Simon Plus Two~Simon #NaNoWriMo #MMMromance

    Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday. I am still working on NaNo and coming to the finish line.  Last week we Met Topher. This week I would like to introduce Simon. He is also in my M/F  Book Base Ball Bats and Cowboy Hats. I loved him so much I decided to write his story. This will…

  • Teaser Tuesday–Meet one of my guys #NaNoWriMo #MMMromance

    Hi y’all. I know it’s been awhile since I have posted. Things have been crazy. I am doing NaNo again this year. It started out a real challenge now I am into the story and its flowing. I fell in love with my characters and though this story is way outside my comfort zone, I…

  • Snippet Sunday

    It is time for Sunday Snippet once again! I am steadily falling behind in NaNo but I am not giving up. I love this story and though it will need a lot of work after Nano I know it will be worth  it. This week I am skipping  down near the end of Chapter two.…

  • Snippet Sunday~~ NaNo falling Behind

    Hi, Y’all this hasn’t been the best week. I have been gettign sicker instead of better. and had to go back to the Dr again. Yes the fluid is still trapped  in my sinuses( noKidding perhaps that’s why I have the headache from hell for two months?) More antibiotic and nothing to relieve the headaches…