Cat’s Meow ~~Reviews That Purr~~ Satin Doll by Joe Cosentino
Welcome back to the Cat’s Meow reviews that Purr. Today I have the third Jana Lane Mystery andIi must say they keep getting better and better! Check out my review below. Title: Satin Doll Series: Jana Lane Mysteries Publisher: The Wild Rose Press April 29, 2016 Pages: 268 Cover Artist: Debbie Taylor Rating: Sweet…
Cat’s Meow~~Reviews that Purr~~An Eerie Garden Party
Hi’Y’all! Welcome back to Cat’s Meow ~~Reviews that Purr. Today we are wrapping up our Spring theme with one of my very favorite authors. V.L.Locey writes hockey romances in both M/F and M/M genres but also has some fun Paranormal M/M romances. I love her Lake Eerie shifters series. It’s fun with a touch of…
Cat’s Meow~~Reviews That Purrr~~ Not So Lucky In Love By RaShelle Workman
Hi everyone! I can’t believe it’s March! February flew by! Maybe it’s because we have less days? This month I have chosen the theme Lucky in love. I hope you like my choices. We have a cozy, Vikings, a mm romance then ending it with another Hot MM romance form one of my favorite authors.…