Cat’s Meow~Quotidiandose:30 Days of Sass~Cover Reveal #nonfiction
Cover Reveal Hi, Ya’ll Welcome to Cat’s Meow. Today I have a very special friend with a cover reveal and pre-order of her newest book,Quotidiandose:30 Days of Sass. This is a nonfiction book filled with humor and perhaps some life lessons we can all use. And part of the proceeds from the print copies will…
Cat’s Meow~~Reviews that Purr~~An Eerie Garden Party
Hi’Y’all! Welcome back to Cat’s Meow ~~Reviews that Purr. Today we are wrapping up our Spring theme with one of my very favorite authors. V.L.Locey writes hockey romances in both M/F and M/M genres but also has some fun Paranormal M/M romances. I love her Lake Eerie shifters series. It’s fun with a touch of…
Cat’s Meow~~ Reviews that purrr~~COZZI COVE: BOUNCING BACK by JOE COSENTINO
Welcome to the romantic and magical world of Cozzi Cove, a private gay resort on the New Jersey Shore. Title: BOUNCING BACK Series: Cozzi Cove Author: Joe Cosentino Publisher: NineStar Press Release Date: March 21, 2016 Publisher: Nine Star Press, Length: 213 pages Language: English Cover Design: Arai Tan ISBN-13: 978-1-911153-35-1 On Cozzi Cove at the New…