Doors #MFRWauthor #opendoors/closeddoors #blogchallenge
Hi and, welcome back to the MFRW52week blog challenge. This weeks topic is opened doors or closed doors. I sat here scratching my head for a long time. What the heck does this mean? I am stumped. Does it mean do you prefer open or shut doors in your home? I like the shut.…
In Ten Years >> #MFRWauthor #blogchallenge #amwriting
Hi Yall. Welcome back to the MFRW52 week blog challenge. We are on week 32 and our topic is In Ten Years. I am wondering if this means what the world will be like in ten years or what my goal is for Ten years. I am hoping that the apocalypse isn’t near and our…
A Day In My Life #MFRWauthor #amwriting #blogchallenge
Welcome back to the MFRW52weekblogchallenge. It is week 31 and out the topic is A Day In My Life. I am going to do this in two parts as my norm has been disrupted. I am staying with my Dad in Hannibal Mo right now helping him deal with some medical issues. So…
As long as it’s a book! ~~ #MFRWauthor #blogchallenge #amreading
Hi, Ya’ll! It’s week 30 of the 52 week MFRW blog challenge. This week’s topic is Paperback, EBook or Audio? This is both easy and hard topic. Easy because I could write all day about books as I am a book addict. Hard because how do I choose which form is my favorite. I remember reading so…
Life Lessons in my books #MFRWauthor #lifelessons #blogchallenge
Welcome back to MFRWauthors52weekblogchallenge. It is week 28 and our topic this week is Life Lessons in my Book. This is very hard for me since I don’t have a book out. I never really set out to put life lessons in my stories. In my current WIP my story is about an older…