Category: erotica

  • Cat’s Meow~~#Reviews That Purr~~Trainwreck by Michele Michael Rakes~~

    Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Michele Micheal “Mikey” Rakes, author of Trainwreck the series. Hi Mikey, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book. I’m a Pacific Northwest native who has been climbing trees to sit and read books since I was…

  • Fame and Fortune…Excerpt , Review, Giveaway

    Fame and Fortune An All Cocks Story– book #2 Love should be multiplied, not divided!   Welcome to the All Cocks house!   Hello everyone, and thank you, Cathy, for hosting me today. I thought I’d share some insight into the house on Mamaroneck Island that Victor, Andrew, and Mattie call home. The models refer…