Category: baseball romance

  • Take a Peak Tuesday #tuesdayteasers #baseballromance #cowboys

    Hi, Ya’ll I thought I would give you another peek at my current WIP. I am not writing yet, I am still self-editing and will be for a while yet. This week I thought I would give a little description of Annie’s favorite place. I hope you enjoy. As usual, I am open to any…

  • Take a Peek Tuesday~~Annie’s backstory

    picture courtesy of pixabay Welcome back to Take a Peek Tuesday. Each week I will post a little tease from what I am currently working on. Right now I am doing a self-edit on a story I wrote during NaNo 2015.  I am hoping to release it this summer.  Baseball Bats and Cowboy hats is…

  • Teaser Tuesday ~~Simon Plus two~~ A change is coming #MMMromance

    Teaser Tuesday ~~Simon Plus two~~ A change is coming #MMMromance

    Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday. NaNoWriMo is finally over, and I can breathe.  I completed my 50k, but the story needs lots of work. The end got a little rushed, and I have some fluff to remove. But that’s what rewrites are for.  I have introduced Simon,  Topher,  and Max. If you missed it click on…

  • #snippetsunday~~Incoming hotness!

    Hi,Y’all! It’s time for another Snippet Sunday. This week’s plans all went to the proverbial hell in a handbasket. I only got one scene worked through. I had all sorts of family and business stuff come up. The business one I may rant about later this week.  But I did get a little and would…

  • #snippetSunday~~~

      Hi, Y’all! It’s time for Snippet Sunday again. It’s  already the end of February!  I can’t believe  how fast the month has went by. This week I am still working on second draft of Baseball Bats and Cowboy hats. Some of you may remember this from back in November. I tried to pick different…