The World’s an Open Book #dreamtravel #MFRWauthor #MFRWbloghop

Welcome to week thirty-one of the MFRW 52wee Blog Challenge
This week’s topic is:  Where would you like to travel outside your own country?

I am a homebody and not much on travelling but I do dream of it. There are so many places I would love to go see and things to do. I’m going to stick with outside the US on this one to make it shorter LOL.

I’ve always dreamed of Ireland since I was you, I guess because of the myths of rainbows, leprechauns then as i grew and saw the romance books with men wearing kilts I was even more intrigued. But I love trying new food and love quaint countrysides so visiting all the castles, pubs and countrysides wold be on top of my list. We have a lot of Irish in our family so that may be part of the pull.

England would be next on my list. For most of the same reasons above. I would love to try the foods, see all the sights, I have some English friends and would like to meet up with them and have them show me around instead of the fancy tours so I get the full taste of English life.

Since I am big on culinary things… Italy would be on m list as well. I would love trying all the different foods, touring around, visiting vineyards. And of course, I would add France.

Of course being a romance author, I would like to see these places for newer, fresher ideas for my stories.

Where would you like to visit if you could go anywhere in the world?

Let’s go see where the other authors choose?

1.Fun and games–traveling outside the U. S. #MFRWaut

Click here to view the entire list…

3 responses to “The World’s an Open Book #dreamtravel #MFRWauthor #MFRWbloghop”

  1. Cathy, great choices!! I would love to see Ireland, too. (Should have added that to my list.) My father was first generation American, but both of his parents came from Ireland. Traveling in our minds can be fun, too. I remember before going to England for the first time, I spent a year reading In Britain magazine, dreaming of the places to go!

  2. I could come to Florida first since that is a must-see for me too and you and I could go together! I think the two of us would have tons of fun ( maybe mischief too lol)

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