Settled on the Sofa #MFRWauthor #awriterslife #shopfromhome

Welcome to week 16 MFRW 52-week blog challenge. This week our topic is  Online shopping or go to stores?

I am a hermit. I like my little dome so my answer is easily online. If our town offered online grocery delivery I probably would never leave my house. I do kinda like going to thrift shops for deals on baby toys and odd tings for crafting or the hobby shops, but 1-2 trips a year is good for me LOL.

You can find everything online and variety and price are easy to compare. It is just much more convenient for me. Our town has no shopping, (not even a Wal-Mart so we have to make trips. I have found in this pandemic that I can get most of my groceries at the Dollar General and the local grocery. Yes, our local grocer is high since it is the only one but it is what it is. There is not a lot of variety in fruits and fresh veggies and what they do offer is so high you can’t afford them or they are overripe or underripe. Garden season is setting in so I will have some of my own fresh produce.

So to sum it all up I prefer online shopping and wish we had fresh food delivery here and grocery deliver LOL. How do you prefer to shop? Online or the store?

Let’s go see what the other authors say.

This is a Blog Hop!

1.Settled on the Sofa2.In person, please

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2 responses to “Settled on the Sofa #MFRWauthor #awriterslife #shopfromhome”

  1. Hi, Cathy. Online grocery shopping is fantastic for times like now. But, now everyone is shopping online for food and today I can’t even get a pick up OR delivery from any store in my surrounding area. So it has its up and downs if you’re self-isolating like I am. I do like to shop online for some things though. You’re lucky to be able to grow your own fresh veggies.

    • We don’t have picked up or delivery near me so If I order anything it’s not usually food. ( I did get catfood before this started luckily so I have lots of that). If it can’t come in the mail I cannot get it online. So food I have to get someone to go to the grocery store for me Or I do it once a month. I have had a bad asthma flare so Hubby has me on stay home orders so him or my DIL does my grocery.
      It is a blessing to get to grow veggies. Stay safe!

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