Jack of all trades #hobbies #MFRWauthor #ificouldjustfinishone

Join us for week 14 of the MFRW 52-week blog hop challenge this week our topic is Hobbies outside of reading? My last few posts have been short… this one may run on a bit LOL

courtesy of Pixabay

I have many hobbies. It’s like one minute I do one thing then jump to the next. Yes, the focus is an issue LOL. I blame my busy life.

yes this is mine and just a tiny few

I collect dolls. I will reword this I don’t collect I save. I don’t collect the one’s worth anything. I like the dirty, raggedy haired ones. I don’t see trash I see the potential. When I first started years ago we bought lots of these for next to nothing from ebay. from Cabbage Patch to assorted to American girls. and of course Barbies of all sorts. My thoughts were to clean them up fix the hair may wardrobes ( sewing is another hobby) and distribute on holidays or when there is a family in need from something like a fire or something. to my dismay, I found that the only donations taken were new in packaged toys. and we have no place for the latter. I would just have to listen to news and contact churches and stuff to find those in need families. SO I have shelves of dolls and tubs of barbies waiting for me to save them LOL. I love to sew and have tons of cloth and a nice sewing machine to sew. someday I will.

My middle granddaughter Daenerys 5 years ago and one of the cocoons I made her.

I crochet. SO I thought I would make hats. Again I wanted to help the babies or cancer patients. I did find organizations to send to but I just am not fast enough and my hats look a little … well, let’s say I am not a professional. I do make a few toys. and when we found out I was having a great-grandchild I made a baby blanket and some loveys for her and some gifts. I also do tops on dish towels and when I worked I couldn’t crochet this as fast as I could sell them. now my box builds up so I don’t do as many. I tried the temperature blankets I saw online but mine got kinda triangle so I need to do something with that.

I have a big shelf full of yarn so I can crochet all I want without buying for a while.

I got a silhouette machine a few years ago. It cuts vinyl and other media to put on cups shirts and artwork. It is a learning curve but I am finally learning. It has steps, one building the graphics, two cutting the images, three weeding (pulling out the not needed vinyl) and putting the images on the other media. I have made a few shirts and other things with this, I have a few things planned since I can’t get out.

I also save, cans, bottles, jars, etc. for other cool stuff I see on Pinterest. My latest plans are gnomes and mew pot people for my garden. Speaking of gardens… that is another hobby.

I love to garden, plant seeds and watch them grow. Right now I was lucky enough to get some herb plants and a few flowers before we got shut-in. So this week I am working on my patio so I will have a nice place to sit outside. I like herbs because I like to cook and can. ( I will can more things this year and have more put away for next year in case something like this hits again other than jelly and pickles lol.)

I love to cook and bake. (most of you know that already LOL)

I also like puzzles, I had a few games on my phone but found that they aggravated my seizures so I’ll stick to physical puzzles and crossword puzzle books.

SO That is just the tip of the ice burg. I sometimes paint and draw but not as much as in my younger days. Sewing, crochet and other crafting is top of the list right now. It changes with my mood. I am lucky I like to stay busy and do so much. I have a room full of supplies so during this time of being shut in I have lots to do. As you see I am jack of all trades master of few. But I am happy LOL

Do you have a hobby? How are you staying busy during these tough times? Let’s go see what the other authors are doing?

This is a Blog Hop!

1.Jack of All Trades2.Being an excessive person. . .
3.C is for Crafts

Click here to view the entire list…

7 responses to “Jack of all trades #hobbies #MFRWauthor #ificouldjustfinishone”

  1. Oh my gosh, Cathy! When do you find time to write? You are one busy woman, with a craft room I envy!

  2. You’re a talented and busy craft person, Cathy. I never had the urge to create things like you do. I did learn to crochet and knit though. I didn’t think of collecting as a hobby but I guess it is. I collect greeting cards and in the past planned on making a collage out of them. Good memories too. Happy crafting.

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