Sensible or Fun? #ifIwonthelottery #MFRWautor #romance

Welcome to Week 12 of the MFRW 52-week challenge. This week the the topic is what would you do “If you won the $10,000 lottery.”

This is not as easy a question as it seems. Yes, it is a lot of money but then again it really isn’t. $10,000 is not enough to go out and buy a brand new car. Sure if you don’t have one at all you might get a used one for this, but not a brand new one you are sure you could depend on. You aren’t going to buy a house for that. so what can you do?

I don’t need either a car or house but I do have some credit card debt I could pay off. The sensible side of me says to do that, give each kid a thousand and take the grandson out to do something fun like a movie or something. Or I could invest it and put it in savings for emergencies since I found out last summer things can come up like a funeral or something and that is exactly how much it cost to bury my granddaughter.

But if I didn’t have debt and wasn’t thinking sensible. I have always wanted a camper and we have looked at a few. I think I could find a good used one for this. Then I would like to go travel maybe three weeks at a time, just set out at an RV park or state park, write, walk, craft and enjoy festivals and stuff. Maybe take the grandson to a few places as well if I can pry him away from his electronics. This would be my dream, What is yours?

What would you do if you won the $10,000 lottery?

Let’s go see what the others in the blog hop would do.

1.Sensible or Fun2.Up the Lazy Reason
3.Look Mom! I won! #MFRWauthor

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6 responses to “Sensible or Fun? #ifIwonthelottery #MFRWautor #romance”

  1. Cathy, I think the question might have intended to be a million dollars, but heck, I wouldn’t sneeze at $10,000, either. Touring in a camper sounds lovely right about now, as spring is starting to break out!

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