Diet? I always am on one. #summer #MFRWauthor #diets

Welcome to Week 9 of the MFRW 52-week challenge. This week’s topic is “Diet before Summer?” Here it has been raining almost all winter but it has been cold. I am a winter girl so I just do not get excited for the summer. I can’t do too hot. I do however go to the recreation center and do water aerobics so I do want to trim up some. My days of dieting to fit into skinny jeans and bikinis are over.

I have been trying to eat healthier and do more exercise. Last ear I did weights and strength training three times a week with a personal trainer and a few days a week at the recreation center with my friends doing water aerobics. This year I am trying something different.

My friend and I walk 1-2 miles 3 times a week and do water aerobics an hour about three times. On my days in between, I am going to get on my treadmill or do some sort of exercise on my own such as yoga or a spot exercise. ( I would like to target my stomach)

As for dieting, I am always trying something new though Keto and low-carb works best for me. Right now I am doing more portion control. Someday I hope to find something that works. LOL

What about you? Are you eager for summer and want to get into shape?

Let’s go see what the other authors are doing to get ready for summer.

1.Dieting for summertime #MFRWauthor2.5 Pounds #LynnChantale
3.Priorities Change4.Diet? I am always on one
5.Another diet? Not me.

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