This week Menu Planning Monday is pre-empted by birthday fun. I have still been sick and I haven’t been cooking a lot of home-cooked meals. Hubby has been helping out some with that. (Thank you eggs, and canned soups, and chili).
Last Monday was Grandie Boy’s 14th birthday. I cannot believe he is already that old. As I have mentioned in the past I always do birthday meals. He chose my famous Chinese meal (that is really what they call it though it is not famous lol) and he also dropped the eggrolls, switched the potstickers to the packaged ones we always buy ( thank heavens since I was very sick that day and no way could I stand on my feet and roll and cook that) So basically he wanted Cashew Chicken Store-bought Potsickers and pecan pie in place of cake (that’s my boy!) This is the closest I have come to my recipe, I make a tempura batter for my chicken instead of the flour. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/17619/springfield-style-cashew-chicken-ii/
Here are some photos of him opening his gifts from me. Yes, that is an essential oil atomizer and what he has been begging for all summer and for Christmas. So I got him one and the oils to go with. And I found some hot cocoa K cups on clearance so I added that too so he doesn’t have to walk over here in the mornings to get one for breakfast LOL. ( I had to slip in one of littlebug.)
And Grandie girl 2 turned 6 on the 22. I wish I could have been there for her. Here is the video her mom sent me. She is so much fun to watch.
Well sorry about that. I did try to download but just could not figure out how.

January is one of our full months of Birthdays. We also have a nephew a niece and My husband’s oldest daughter as well as mine.
How do you celebrate birthdays? Do you have a tradition everyone looks foreward to?