This year started out promising, with my grandaughter expecting my first geat granddaughter, going to spend time with dad and getting to see my brother and his family and my daughter and granddaughter that moved to Iowa.
I was even doing great on my writing and new excersise plan.
Beautiful Annalise was born on July 8.

What was the most wonderful week, I was excited to go home in two weeks to see her turned tragic. Her Mother only 15 years old, you know as grandie girl one was killed in a tragic car accident exactly one week later.
You never expect someone so young to be taken so soon and of course, there was no life insurance, people were amazing setting up a go fund me and helping. So many reached out with messages, cards etc. Thank you all so much.

Monday was her 16th birthday and it was hard. In the hospital when she was having Annalise she had requested my Chinese for her birthday meal. In her honor and her last request, I made the cashew chicken, potstickers and fried rice she asked for.
My cashew chicken
1 chicken breast per person ( I usually add an extra one or two) (can use thighs to cut cost.) cut into bite-size cubes.
Cornstarch, flour, egg, water to make a tempura batter Oil to fry in.
Tempura batter: 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup cornstarch, salt, Tablespoon garlic powder, tablespoon onion powder egg, 2/3 cup water ( if too thick slowly add more. you can use seltzer water. ( make sure water is ice cold) whip let sit a few minutes while preparing chicken and heating oil
For the sauce, I use about a cup of cashews, some chopped green onions a can of beef broth, a couple of dashes of soy sauce, a packet of brown gravy, I make a small slurry with cornstarch and beef broth just a spoonful. Mix everything but cashews and onions. bring to a boil, whisking until it thickens turn off and let sit while cooking chicken. when you start the last batch of chicken, add cashews, sprinkle onions on top, pour over chicken already cooked. ( I leave out that last batch for those that don’t like the saice or just want a chicken nugget ( which these make awesome nuggets, You can add them to the sauce as well.) Serve extra cashews and onions for garnish.
My Potstickers are easy too. I brown a pound and half of ground beef, (you can use pork or chicken) Crumble very small as you brown. once cooked add ground or fresh ginger, finely minced onion, garlic, and brown sugar and soy sauce until you get the taste you want. It should be lightly sweet with a spicy note. spoon a small amount in a potsticker wrap, put water around edges to seal pinch into a beggars purse or make a half-moon, brown the bottoms in a small amount of oil place in a steamer and steam about 20 minutes unto the tops have cooked. If you don’t have a steamer put a little water in pan cover and steam that way.
The rest of the week my husband had frozen pizza or chili or something like that when I got home from the pool in the evenings and he even took me out on a date night Friday.
I hope to have some recipes for you next week! What have you cooked this week?
5 responses to “Where Have I Been? #worstsummerever #notcookingmuch”
There’s nothing I can say that will help, but you have my profound sympathy, Cathy.
Thank you Ed. Everyone has been wonderful and alll the thoughts do help.
Cathy, if you posted about your granddaughter before, I missed it. I’m so, so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family and little Annalise. My heart breaks for you. It was sweet of you to make the Chinese meal your grandie girl one wanted on her birthday. How very tragic. Hugs.
No Mary I haven’t posted on the blog. It’s been on my Facebook but I haven’t been on the computer much at all until this week. Thank you so much. It has been a trying time. You just never expect a 15 year old the die before you. It was a real eye opener.
Prayers and blessings for all of you.