Who Knew? Inside Secrets about Bro by Kayelle Allen #Sci Fi #SpaceOpera #Romance #Books

When asked to talk about one of my books, my first reaction is to tell you about the plot. In Bro, Senth is about one month away from meeting NarrAy, his heroine in At the Mercy of Her Pleasure. The big reason for this story is to show how he found out he had a half-brother — and introduce the two boys to one another.
Senth is about to claim some fancy new tech from the Thieves’ Guild. There’s just one problem. The new tech might make him invisible, but it can’t shield him from the truth…
All that being said, I thought I’d share three details that didn’t necessarily make it into the book.
Detail 1: Kin don’t get motion sickness
Kin, who are feline-humanoids, have no difficulty with space travel or motion sickness. They do not need drugs during hyper jump the way humans do. HalfKin like Senth often do require it due to their more human natures. The more human they are the less Kin abilities they possess.
Detail 2: Senth’s father is a powerful thief
In Bro, Senth is a Level 19 in the Thieves’ Guild, a powerful organization controlling theft in the Tarthian Empire. His adoptive father, Luc Saint-Cyr, headed the guild prior to adopting Senth. He was an Arcane Master, the highest level in the guild.
Detail 3: Senth is a little snarky
Okay, that did make it into the books! In the excerpt below, you’ll see a great example of his snarkiness. Because he’s half-human (and the only one of his kind in the Thieves’ Guild), he tends to be picked on. Senth is learning how to fight back, but in the beginning of this story, he hasn’t quite mastered that yet, as you’ll see.
I hope you’ll read the excerpt and fall as much in love with Senth and his adorable snarkiness as I did. Every time I write him, he bounces in, bringing a touch of humor and never fails to make me smile.

Title: Bro
Series: Antonello Brothers (prequel)
Author: Kayelle Allen
Publisher: Romance Lives Forever Books
Publisher: Romance Lives Forever Books
Release Date: April 2019
Cover Designer: Gemancreative on Fiverr
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: about 50

The tech Senth is about to claim will make him invisible. Finally, the young halfbreed thief will be out of sight, shielded from the taunts humans fire at him. But when that tech reveals he has a human half-brother who’s bound by a cruel slaver, Senth must find a way to save his brother from abuse and win his freedom — even though Senth is a slave himself.
There’s just one problem. The new Thieves’ Guild tech might make him invisible, but it can’t shield him from the truth…

You can buy it here: https://books2read.com/u/bwqyAy

Excerpt PG

Once Senth had stepped outside the Thieves’ Guild, he proceeded down the street until he’d reached the required distance from the entrance. Commit thievery on the grounds and the Guild would blackball you so hard you’d–

Oh, who cared what they’d do. What worried him was his father finding out. Sure, he might toy with a worker’s ID and wallet and call it a lesson, but his father would prolly not see it with the same degree of humor.

“Behave yourself in public, Senthys. Don’t draw attention to yourself, Senthys. Don’t do anything fun, Senthys.” He resisted the eye roll that always got him in trouble with dear old dad.

Senth skirted around a businessman and backed away, the man’s ID in hand. He tucked it into one of the cloak’s myriad pockets. A male worker in a dirty uniform lumbered past. No trouble unclipping a debit bracelet fastened to the guy’s belt.

Of course, they felt nothing–his skills ensured that, but the cloak worked so well no one even looked his way. For fun, Senth re-clipped the bracelet on the worker, and then followed the businessman a full block before tucking the ID back into the man’s pocket.

How well could he evade detection after being seen? He pushed back the hood, which turned off the Nightstealth, and stepped right in front of a teenaged human boy.

Senth let the mark get a good look at his face.

The kid glared. “Watch where you’re going, you half-human freak.”

“Half-human? You mean HalfKin.” Senth gestured to his catlike eyes. “Get it right, skinbag.” He bared his fangs and hissed.

The target backed off, and then darted around him. Senth tucked the guy’s debit bracelet into a pocket, and then moved off the sidewalk and raised the hood but did nothing else to hide.

The kid glanced at his empty wrist and whirled around, his gaze searching the ground. He hurried past Senth once going one way, then the other, and kept going without even a glance.

“Should I return his deb? No, I think he should’ve said ‘excuse me, sir.’ He owes me a sir-charge.” Senth pushed back his hood and started walking.

Meet Kayelle Allen

Kayelle Allen writes Sci-Fi with misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, role-playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She is the author of multiple books, novellas, and short stories. She’s also a US Navy veteran and has been married so long she’s tenured.

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Antonello Brothers: At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, For Women Only, Bro
Bringer of Chaos: Origin of Pietas, Forged in Fire, Lights Out
Tales of the Chosen: Wulf, Alitus, Jawk
The Last Vhalgenn
Trailing Kaiwulf
Human Perfect
Tarthian Empire Companion
An Immortal’s Guide to Tarth
A Romance for Christmas

Coming Soon:

A Stolen Heart (Antonello Brothers)
Watch Your Six (Bringer of Chaos)

9 responses to “Who Knew? Inside Secrets about Bro by Kayelle Allen #Sci Fi #SpaceOpera #Romance #Books”

  1. Thanks for the intriguing excerpt. I’m looking forward to reading more about Senth. I’ve read some of Kayelle Allen’s other work and it is excellent.

    • How nice of you to say, Katherine. ^_^ I’m working on a new story in which Senth is 3. It’s a spinoff about how Luc adopted him. So much fun to write!

    • Flossie, thank you 🙂 Sometimes, my characters show up in my imagination fully formed. I know everything about them all at once. Capturing them can be both work and fun. Senth keeps revealing layers. He’s unique.

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