Wow! The year is already at an end. We have completed the 52weekMFRWblogchallege, though I missed a few at the end. This weeks topic is New Years Resolution. Last year I didn’t set resolutions but set a few goals. I didn’t make them. Life interfered. This year I am not going to do either. I just hope to have a better 2018, get my health and family situations settled and publish a book or two. ‘
I wish you all a productive, healthy happy New Years! Eat plenty of Hog Jowl, peas, and cabbage. I am going to try LOl!
7 responses to “Happy 2018”
You’re not alone at not making a resolution, Cathy. I did, but I call them goals. I’m probably in over my head, so next year I won’t, either. 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family.
I am going out call mine plans lol. I plan on getting two books out that I have done and in editing stages both by may then go from there. Good luck and Happy new years!
Life interferes with plans (or resolutions, if you prefer) all to often. I hope it gets out of your way in the coming year.
Thank You Ed! Happy New years and good luck on more books!!
Goals are great – hog jowls, not so much, lol. Have a wonderful 2018!
This is going to be a wonderfully productive writing and publishing year for you, Cathy. Happy 2018!
Thank You! I hope it is for you too!