Hi, Y’all welcome back to the MFRW 52 week blog challenge. This is week 20. I can’t believe I have hung in there for 20 weeks! This week’s topic is My Favorite Movies inspired by books. This should be easy right? Nope. I don’t watch that many movies. I will admit I was a Twilight fan when it came out and saw all of them. Sorry, but the book was so much better. But yeah! The young girl in me enjoys a sparkling vampire and sexy shirtless werewolves now and then so shoot me!
I guess my favorite would be The Divergent Series. Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant I really liked this series but I have to admit I haven’t read the books.
I also loved the Hunger Games again I haven’t read those books but I do have them on e-book. It’s funny some of my friends in my writing chat group call me Katness LOL.
Now to a different Genre. The Help was really good. both in book and movie, I think I preferred the movie.
The Lovely Bones was a chilling movie. It broke my heart and no way would I read the book after that since I know books usually have more detail.
So it seems I have a pattern. If I read the books I prefer the book and will watch the move but once I watch the movie I usually don’t go back and read the books.
Except for Nicholas Sparks. I am a fan of both the books and movies I Adored the Notebook. It’s one of my favorite books and movies. I don’t think you can go wrong with a Nicholas Sparks book or movie.
What are some of your favorite Movies inspired by Books? Do you prefer the movies or the books?
I’m curious to see what the other bloggers watch, come go check them out with me!
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8 responses to “Let’s go to the Movies #MFRWauthor #blogchallenge #romance”
I enjoyed reading The Help, but haven’t seen the movie. Like you, I often don’t read the book if I’ve seen the movie (or vice-versa).
The Movie was fun. Thanks for stopping by Robin.
Of these, I’ve read and seen only The Lovely Bones and Hunger Games. BTW I hated, hated, hated, book 3 in the Hunger Games series. Yeah, I really hated it, and I’m surprised I bothered to finish it.
I loved the Hunger Game Movies haven’t read the books.
I read both The Hunger Games and Divergent books. Loved Hunger Games, liked the first two Divergent book and hated Allegiant, esp. the ending. What was she thinking???? I won’t be watching that movie unless someone tells me they changed the ending!
I really need the books I have both sets.
Katness is a good nickname for you! I’m with Linda on that ending. I prefer HEA for most of my reads and movies, with an occasional exception.
Flossie it was Vicki nicknamed me Kitness and I named my cat a Kitness lol