Hi Y’all as you see I decided to bring back Serenity Sunday. The week of Christmas Bella gave us a gift. We had a baby Guinea pig. I called it Squeaky since it squeaks all the time. LOL. Guinea pigs reproduce fast and it was time to separate them. Papa decided we needed a larger cage for his babies. It was meant for Bella and Squeaky as we thought Squeaky was a she, but… Now we think we are wrong so Fred is on with Squeaky.
Chloë kept a good eye on Fred while we moved them around
The Condo is ready
we are going to get another of the larger cages soon
Bella Fred Squeaky
It looks like I may be introducing you to some new additions in March then being separated hopefully that’s it.
Do you like the photos on Sunday or did you prefer Monday?
2 responses to “#awriter’slife ~Home~~Furbabies New home”
I enjoy all your posts no matter what day. Sunday is for relaxing, piddling, and coffee. Monday as a rule is not my favorite day for anything, except lots of coffee. Even though I’m retired from my day job, I still can’t cotton to Mondays.
awe that’s so sweet.
You made my day.