Writing A-Z Letters K & L

Hi Y’all. I got behind last week on my blogging with family and so much outside work to do.  Hubby and I are trying to get this jungle of garden and my rose garden back under control for the weeds. I will let you know if we win or not LOL.

I missed last weeks post on the letter K so this week I am doing  K and L, which is kinda good since two of the words fit together quite well.

For K I have kind and the derivatives, kindly and kindness. I like a character that is kind and has a good heart or a broken hero that is lost and needs  a boost to the seat of his pants to get back to that point.  He may not have anything kid to say to anyone like a crotchety old man LOL.

Kids can be an important part of a story in so many ways. They can be catalysts for  a characters behavior, a plot if one is missing or ill or if a character wants one or not in their lives.

Then there is Kiss ( not the  old rock band) but a kiss. A romance isn’t a romance without Kissing, which brings me to L

Love is the first word that springs to mind and one of the most important in romance.

Libation is a cool L word . This can be used in paranormal romance as an act of pouring out a liquid to a God or Deity such as a sacrifice. This is great for paranormal stories. For regular romance it works as well. It can refer to consuming alcohol and would work in both contemporary and historical fiction.

Lark. A lark is a bird. But it can also mean on a whim.

Late. Nt good if you are on a deadline!

Last but not Least ( see that…a twofor!) life. A good story needs to resemble life in some form. even though it is fiction it needs to make sense. Life is important to characters. what they do for a living, how they live, where they live, what they live for. All of this makes a story.

I hope you enjoyed the double post.  Is there any K or L words you like? What do you do when Life gets you down?


4 responses to “Writing A-Z Letters K & L”

  1. When life gets me down I call my best (female) friend, have a good cry, pray, go to the ocean, eat potato chips, sip a glass of wine, buy flowers for myself. Any or all, not necessarily in that order.

  2. Lark is one of my favorites too, and a blessing as an activity. K words remind me of Anglo-Saxon, and I am drawn to those. As for L, I knew a woman with the last name of Lovering. I think that’s an awesome surname.

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