Too Many Books…Not Enough Time #MFRWauthor #bloghop #readingromance

Welcome to Week 28 of the MFRW 52-week Blog Challenge. This week’s topic is Ever read a book more than once? Which one and why

This is actually a harder topic for me than it seems. I am an avid reader and read every night. I listen to audio books during the day so its not unusual for me to go through two books at least a day. I have 7108 books in my kindle cloud ( that does not count the ones in my prolific works or on my computer that I haven’t sent, Or documents from arcs,) I have 354 in a recent app I downloaded of Kobo. So I have no shortage of books. I have shelves of paperbacks that are not in my kindle library. But for the sake of making it easier I am only using the kindle library today. I could probably read every day for the rest of my life or lots of years ( I suck at math) a new book each day and that’s not counting getting new books. I generally download at least one or two free ones a day ( I quit downloading everything I see now. If it isn’t something in the genres I read or sound very intriguing to me I leave it. Yet my library always is on the rise and never goes down LOL.

My Biggest reason of not rereading is that I am a reviewer and My docket is usually full of books to review for tours ( I work for a friends blog) or some authors that send me requests. I stay booked sometimes four months ahead and making time to read books I buy gets difficult. Reading a bok I already read is pretty much a no go.

Now the question is…Have I ever read a book again and that question is yes. Though not many I have read books more than once. One was by accident. It had been re released and I didn’t realize it so I picked it up and was nearly done before I realized I read it. a couple are a friends books. I beta for her and she is working on re releasing er series with some extra bits to them. ( If you’d like to read that series it is the All Cocks Series By TM Smith it is MM and not at all what it sounds like. It is about guys that work at a porn studio but the books are very good and not just erotica. They are more steamy romance, You may say I read them thee times as I have listened to them on Audio too LOL) I have reread V. L. Locey’s Point shot Trilogy because one word…Victor LOL If you haven’t read it and like MM Sports romance I suggest it plus it comes in a box set.

My husband has a big shelf of books and he just rereads them over and over. I just couldn’t do that.

SO though I don’t usually reread books, I have. To me there is just too many fresh amterial and new books waiting for me to discover them like I have this week…and this will go on my read again shelf… Prometheus Burning by Rachel Radner. Oh my what a fab read.. Ugly cry but also happy for now ending.

Have you reread a book? Why do you reread them? What is your favorite?

This is a blog hop so lets go see what the other authors like to reread!

1.Too Many Books. . . Not Enough Time #MFRWauthor #blog2.Re-reading—a rarity #MFRWauthor
3.Old Friends

Click here to view this list…

4 responses to “Too Many Books…Not Enough Time #MFRWauthor #bloghop #readingromance”

  1. Cathy, my mom is like your husband. She gets a book she likes and she might read it 20 times–and she also has a shelf (or two or ten) of books like that so she’s never without reading material. Thanks for the suggestions. I like MM if it’s well-written!

  2. I have a couple of series of books that are favorites (paperback) and that I constantly reread: the Nero Wolfe mysteries by Rex Stout and the romances of Dorothy Cork. I prefer the Nero Wolfe mysteries for a relaxing experience over watching mindless tv. In addition I have single titles that I will occasionally take off the shelf and read again. I also like to read new titles lol!

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